Writing – IELTS writing task 1 practice

what is IELTS Writing task 1 simple practice method

IELTS writing task one preparation must include understanding and writing about graphs, charts and tables.
To do this, the data that is shown in the graphs have been broken down into easily recognizable bits.

DO these basic exercises before attempting to write the full report.

Introduction to writing task 1

In writing task one, you get any of the following -a picture, Bar graph, pie chart, line graph, table and flowchart. The IELTS candidate is expected to write 150 words in 20 minutes.

Pie chart
Pie chart
Line graph
Line graph
flowchart in writing task 1

How to write about the “increase, decrease or fluctuation” in English

Look at the graph or picture given to you and use the following statements to accurately put the information in words. If you see an increase like in the picture below you write

writing task 1 graph - increase

1. There was an increase in the number of tourist arrivals.

2. The number of tourist arrivals increased.

Now write about percentages

1. The percentage of tourist arrivals increased.

2. There was an increase in the percentage of tourist arrivals.

Using the above type of sentences you could write about “increase”.

Key vocabulary

Increase – Rise – Go up

There was a rise in the number of tourist arrivals.

The number of tourist arrivals rose.

The number of tourist arrivals has gone up/went up.

Key vocabulary

Decrease – Fall – Go down

IELTS writing task 1 graph- decrease

There was a fall in the number of tourist arrivals.

The number of tourist arrivals fell.

The number of tourist arrivals has gone down/went down.

1. There was a decrease in the number of tourist arrivals.

2. The number of tourist arrivals decreased.

Now write about percentages

1. The percentage of tourist arrivals decreased.

2. There was a decrease in the percentage of tourist arrivals.


There was a fluctuation in the number of tourist arrivals.

The number of tourist arrivals fluctuated.

Ielts writing task 1 practice graph-fluctaute

Now write about percentages

1. The percentage of tourist arrivals fluctuated.

2. There was a fluctuation in the percentage of tourist arrivals.

IELTS Writing task 1 vocabulary exercise

Take this test to check if you can use the above lesson. Good luck!

IELTS writing task 1 free practice

Tourist arrivals in Japan IELTS writing task 1 graph
Tourist arrivals in Japan

3 thoughts on “Writing – IELTS writing task 1 practice”

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