How to speak about changes-IELTS speaking lesson
In IELTS Questions about change are frequently asked. Here are few examples and worksheet to practice talking about change.
Words that mean change are transform, alter, modify, become different and replace.
Example question: How has your town or city changed over the last 10 years?
Step 1: State if there was a change or not, if yes how much change was there?
To begin your answer you could use phrases similar to the once below.
“There has been a lot of change in the way the city looks…..”
“My city has changed a lot in the last 10 years….”
“I hardly noticed a change in my city….”
“I haven’t seen any changes…..”
“I are some changes in one part of the city……”
Step 2: Talk about the past first in sentences similar to the once below.
“In the past the city was……”
“Ten years ago the city had….”
“A few years ago….”
Step 3: Compare the past to the present using words that means change such as transform, alter, modify…
“A few years ago my city was a quiet place but it has transformed since then….”
“Ten years ago it was an residential area, new buildings have altered the look ….”
“In the past my city was crime ridden but now the police have modified it…”
Step 4:Talk in detail about the contrasts and the present using similar sentences as below.
“Its is now a noisy and a busy metropolis.There is too much traffic and hustle”
“Now it has turned in to a commercial hub. Nowadays businesses have sprung up above and below the residences.
“My city was dangerous in the past. The police have turned it in to a more peaceful city.”